Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Hey! Opinions are being posted!

Hiya~ Llysa here. Miss Information herself.

I thought you might be interested in seeing what people (in this case, theatre critics) are saying about CARAVAN CHRONICLES in Adelaide. If you've seen the piece, or participated in some way, we'd be interested in hearing from you. (And - I'll also say, if you comment just to swear or be rude in public, I'll edit you in the public forum. I'll still read what you have to say - just no one else will.)

The Adelaide Advertiser - Cousin Samela wrote:

and the Adelaide Theatre Guide - I think it was Uncle Simon:

AND - if you've seen the show, and want to comment on it = you can go to the Bank SA site for talkfringe http://www.talkfringe.com/index.php?view=act&id=294.
(In fact - Simon's review is linked here.)

Just a note: The shows at the Fringe Family day were great! Exhausting, and voice-rasping, but very faboo. "Cousins" were flung into the fray, and were quite fine - heard tell of some awesome stories. I am looking forward to actually doing the 'regular' length show, though. I feel there is so much more dimension with a little more time... Isn't this a cool pic of Sandy and a 'mingo?? Our Man in the Street and the Shop is 'Uncle Andy' Phillips, who also happens to be a gooooood photog. You'll be seeing more of his work anon.

Off and running - trying to make sure people know about the show tomorrow night....

1 comment:

Ricky said...

Sounds like your audiences are loving the experience. Heck, melon balls, dancing, and roasted Peeps would melt even the hardest hearts - especially if t.s. is serving it up. ^_~

-A friend of the family